tirsdag 6. november 2007

I think this is a great photo taken by Espen Storo, I love his style. Keep on rockin' ESPEN!

Here's a link to his deviantart page where you can also see MORE of his uberawesomesauce pictures! CLICK ME

tirsdag 30. oktober 2007

Movie synopsis - Scent of a Woman

"Chris O'Donnell stars as Charlie Simms, a young and innocent scholarship student at an exclusive prep school in New Hampshire who agrees to look after Lt. Col. Frank Slade (Al Pacino), a blind retired army officer, to earn extra money over the Thanksgiving holiday. Frank is a cantankerous and cynical bully who completely suprises Charlie with his plans for their weekend. He has bought them tickets to New York, booked a suite at the Waldorf, rented a limousine, and has big plans for a wild weekend in the Big Apple. Before Charlie realizes what he has gotten into, he is accompanying the colonel around Manhattan as they begin their wild and eye-opening adventures that include a fast-paced test drive in a Ferrari and a tango with a beautiful woman (Gabrielle Anwar). Frank's passion is women; he waxes lyrically on their bodies, scent, and sensuality, and gradually Charlie becomes aware of the sentimental romantic buried deep within the lonely man's heart. Charlie and Frank's growing relationship is the core of the film; Frank teaches Charlie how to see, and Charlie teaches Frank how to feel in this heart-wrenching and heartwarming comedy. Al Pacino is simply stunning as Frank Slade, relying on his vocal power and strong physicality to carry across a complex range of emotions. He is both intolerable and completely lovable in this Oscar-winning role of a lifetime."

I absolutely love this movie, or rather, I love Al Pacino! He is such an awesome actor and his performance in this movie is just.. He really convinces me. It's not my regular kind of movie though, action and fantasy is more my style, but still I enjoy the pace of this movie and it's indeed fascinating.

9/10 for good acting and a relatively great plot.

Your love,

tirsdag 16. oktober 2007

Testing our new camera!

So.. Just did a testshooting with our new camera - IXUS 75!

mandag 15. oktober 2007

Global Warming!

Global warming refers to the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans in recent decades and its projected continuation.

And this comes with it's advantages of course! Now I don't have to swap over from normal summer tires to studded tires! And of course.. Let's rejoice.. The snow will vanish and there will be a all-round summertime! That means driving at high speed 365 days a year.. Ohh the tension. Plus that, Now we don't have to worry about ice beneath mud/snow in the winter when we're trying to show off our macho abilities with the car.

No matter how many global warming movies Al Bore creates - we won't be able to stop the global warming. So let's just enjoy all the advantages for as long as we can! I know I will!


tirsdag 9. oktober 2007

Mista A!

My friend Anthony (Mista a) has currently just released a new CD which is called "It's my turn now!

And you can download his new CD here!

You can listen to some of his songs on his myspace as well, which is to be found here

And as a preview of his songs, I now introduce you to my favorite song "I'm just chillin'" Click play below and enjoy the sound of music.

søndag 30. september 2007

All- righty then.

So todays task was to cover a press Conferance regarding Haakon, Fredrik, Remi and Martine's upcoming horror movie. So I brought my uberduber cam and camera, and I was ready for action.

So. 4 friends, a car, a shortcut, a stranger, crash and someone dissappeared together with the stranger..

Have we seen it before ? Indeed we have. But have we ever seen such a movie from these brave lads ? Fuck no. With Fredrik "Frezko" Skogsrud as the maindirector and actor - Nothing can fail. He is also accompanied by the fabelous Haakon Roe, Remi Melbråten and Martine Marchand.

Anyhoo. Lets move to the plot. (Take a seat ladies and gentlemen, this is going to be awesome)

Four friends are on their way to the raveparty of their life. It is however a long way to drive, and with the annoying backseat drivers who always know more about shortcuts and driving than the real driver - This has to end bad. The backseat drivers (respectively played by Fredrik Skogsrud and Haakon Roe) force the driver to take a different path which was originally planned by the driver. 
This new exclusive path is a road which crosses the old "mosseveien" and it has a horrid past -
Which they will very soon feel the wrath of. Whilst driving on this dodgy road, their teenage arrogansy hits in and they drive like pigs to reach the party faster. SUDDENTLY! A man stands directly in the middle of the road, blocking their (or showing?)
their way to salvation. The driver swings away dodging the man and the car rattles it's way down the trench hitting a tree.
But things arent at it's worst yet.. After recovering from the carsh - they see that one of the friends are missing, and likewise with the stranger...
Kidnap ? rape ? murder ?
Who knows!
The movie will be done in 2007ish somewhere. And we are looking forward to it! Stay tuned at Møkkablogg @ Dritiut.blogspot.com for more updates.


tirsdag 18. september 2007

So... WHAT IS really "Vaffanculo"?

So what is really this "vaffanculo"?  

Well yeah - listen up and I'll tell you. Vaffanculo is a italian swearing word, which means (hold your horses ladies) FUCK YOU!

And what does the man on the picture has to do with this harsh and hated word ? Well. Easy. Click the link below and let him lead you to redemption.

Beppe Grillo - Banned 4 life.